Sunday, December 29, 2019

Antitrust Law And Economics Of Product Distribution

Introduction This Literature review explains if a franchise is high or low risk way of entering into a market. It also explains whether a franchisee is suited for a certain franchise. Franchises can be seen all over the world, with everyone being introduced to them, as consumers, from a young age (Longenecker et al., 2011). Thomas and Seid (2000) agree with this and believes due to it, people think they understand a lot more about a franchise than they actually do, creating myths about the rate of success and the ease of entry. Antitrust Law and Economics of Product Distribution (2006, p.5) defines a franchise in a 3 part way as, â€Å"(1) a franchisee (a) offers, sells or distributes a franchisor’s goods or services, which are identified by†¦show more content†¦Many years later, franchising became more entrenched in the UK with the advent of the tied pub system. Following the introduction of legislation making it very expensive to keep and maintain a public house in the 18th ce ntury, licensees began to struggle to operate successfully. Recognising that it was in their interests to have a secure and stable market for their products, brewers began to offer publicans the opportunity of financial support in return for exclusivity over what was sold in the pub. Thus a familiar system, that remains widely-used in the licensed trade today, was born.† (, 2015) Types of Franchises There are three types of franchises; these are business format franchises, product franchise and manufacturing franchises (, 2015). Business Format Franchise Business Format Franchises are the most common out of the three, this franchise gives the right for entrepreneurs to use their name and product. The franchisee usually benefits from the assistance given by the franchisor, but has to pay fees and royalties over the franchise contract. The most noticeable example of this type of franchise is McDonalds, which is one of the most successful companies in the world (, 2015). Product Franchise In this kind of franchise theShow MoreRelatedThe Decision For Us Federal Antitrust Law1630 Words   |  7 Pagesminimum retail price for its product? Secondly, what are the consequences for consumer welfare, if the manufacturer succeeds in maintaining a higher retail price?. The first part of this paper attempts to answer these questions whilst deliberating on the majority and minority judgements of the US Supreme Court in Leegin and the significance of the decision for US federal antitrust law. The second part of this paper compares the US Federal and EU approaches to RPM. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - 1337 Words

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is, arguably, the most influential African American leader in the history of the United States of America. His â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech was delivered on Wednesday, August 28th, 1963 during the March on Washington for Jobs and Equality. His words were captivating and full of hope. The March on Washington for Jobs and Equality was not the first large civil rights march led by African Americans. There were many marches previous such as the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in 1957; a march organized by A. Philip Randolph who became well known after he began planning a â€Å"mass gathering in Washington to draw attention to discrimination in the war defense industry, prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to desegregate the nation s munitions factories and establish the Fair Employment Practices Commission† (Civil Rights Digital Library) in the 1940s. Dr. King also spoke at this event, giving his powerful â€Å"Give Us the Ballot† speech which brought him to prominence and fame, however, it is the â€Å"I Have a Dream† that has become the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are three themes that resonate while reading and listening to Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. The first theme is that there is a great need for equality in America for their black citizens. He deduced, â€Å"One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacle of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on aShow MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King Jr.658 Words   |  3 PagesIndividual Project Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired myself along with many other nationalities all over the world in so many ways. 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They received a better education than the average child of their race, King noticed this and it influencedRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is unarguably the most famous civil rights900 Words   |  4 Pages Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is unarguably the most famous civil rights activist in American history. His story and legacy is taught in classrooms across the country. From birth to death, Dr. King impacted the lives of many people and changed the roles of society forever. Dr. King had one big dream and what shaped his dream begins in Atlanta,, Georgia, and ends in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born into a loving and caring family on January 15, 1929 inRead More Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay2605 Words   |  11 Pages Martin Luther King Jr. King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. Kingamp;#8217;s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racialRead MoreEssay on Leadership Skills of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.823 Words   |  4 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Abstract This paper will analyze and study the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and how leadership skills helped him in accomplishing his goals. The characteristics that made Dr. King a great leader will also be addressed. 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And so it has: I have a dream has become one of the most memorable phrases of the twentieth centuryRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Fight Essay1059 Words   |  5 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Fight Throughout history there have been times when citizens have had the need, as well as the responsibility, to violate certain societal rules/laws in order to protest against unjust treatment and bring about social or political change. 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He is the father of the modern civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom as well as peace. King practiced everything that he preached, he did not preach or speak values that he himself did not follow. He established himself as a pastor that was not afraid of hard work, guiding the middle-class congregation to public service. For example, Peake, Thomas

Friday, December 13, 2019

Coffee in World History Free Essays

Coffee in World History Coffee in world history has changed many things from its first appearance in 1635 up until today. Its effects were seen in the people, on the economy, and on the social aspect of life. These effects were mainly beneficial with some exceptions. We will write a custom essay sample on Coffee in World History or any similar topic only for you Order Now Documents 1,3,5,7,8, and 10 show positive social effects on the people. While documents 1,3,4, and 9 show how the effects of coffee were seen positively on a worldwide scale. Whether looking close up in social communities, or looking at it as a global impact, coffee proved to have a very large and beneficial influence on how people lived their lives throughout history. Socially, coffee has changed history in very positive ways. In the Ottoman dynasty, people flock to these coffee shops and basically live on coffee as it has become a new daily routine for them as it has appeared in towns (Document 3). People gather at these shops, talk, conduct business, and to be social, thus spreading new ideas and news faster through the city. Coffee has also brought many jobs to the people (Documents 5, 7, and 8). Document 5 shows all the people that coffee must go to, to get to their drinkers and shops, all the people who are involved in this process were given jobs because of coffee. The details of the jobs were shown through how the people were effected by them (Documents 7 and 8). The did effect the people in positive ways because the workers were able to all get fair and equal pay for the job without any social discrimination. Finally, the social bonuses of coffee are shown, while being biast, stating that coffee is a ready and east source of money, showing that you could benefit from it because of the high value of coffee (Document 10). A document that would help better prove the point to show that coffee changed the society in a positive way would be a document by a ruler stating all the positive effects and all the accomplishments the dynasty has made because of coffee. Coffee proved to be a very beneficial factor in society through popularity, jobs, and money made from it and would help you if you were involved with it. Coffee also showed up in worldly affairs, positively changing things such as relationships and trading between countries. Document 1 can not only be used as a social plus, but can also be seen as a worldly plus. This Document shows us the world’s views and first reactions to coffee, which turned out to be very good. Everyone loved it and it’s popularity exploded worldwide. Document 3 can also be used in both situations because it shows how people still reacted to coffee 145 years after it first appeared and people still seemed to be addicted. This Document could be seen as biast in one way such as it says that without contradiction, the drink has formed the workers’ breakfast, some workers still may not be able to reach shops that sell coffee or may not be able to afford it. Different country’s views on the actual total consumption and exports were also shown in Document 4 and Document 9. Annual consumption (Document 4), was shown in 50 different countries ranging from 0. 1 kilograms per person in Kenya, to 9. 2 kilograms per person in the Netherlands. The countries total exports (Document 9), had 19 countries included, ranging from Brazil with 7. % coffee exports to Uganda with 94. 5% coffee exports. Another Document that could be added to help support the positive effect that coffee had on the world would be a document written by different Kings scattered across the world about how much their kingdom has improved by the invention of coffee and how economy, and jobs, and the social aspect of life has gone u p. These documents were important to the world’s benefit from coffee because it showed that since the trade of coffee went up, economy went up, helping money fluxgate throughout the world. Although document 1 could be seen as a positive for both social and worldly benefits, it has yet another side, a negative for the communities. As more and more people began to become attracted to these coffee shops, they began to attend work and the temples less and less, creating the beginning of a problem for some people. Other than the problem of some people avoiding jobs in exchange for time spent drinking coffee, its impact was mainly positive. This document could also be biast because of if the people in that particular place actually have time and money for coffee, or if they enjoy their jobs, they wouldn’t be flocking to this tiny shop to socialize and to drink. If another document were to be added to this picket, it would need to be a document written by people in different jobs such as a priest, a coffee shop owner, a merchant, or a trader of coffee. The point of this document would be to better understand coffee’s effect on different jobs and really determine if the effect on the job changed the job holder’s take on coffee. This document would help really tell if the effects on the social aspect were beneficial according to the people, not just the overseers. From the beginning of when coffee first appeared, until now, there has been many coffee influences on history. Through society, coffee has changed the way we live, and how coffee has changed our jobs. In worldlier views, coffee has changed our economy, trade, and relationships with other countries. Coffee proved to have a very large and beneficial influence on how people lived their lives throughout history. How to cite Coffee in World History, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Linguistics Speech Function

Question: Discuss about the Linguistics Speech Function. Answer: Essay Assignment In terms of experiential meanings, material process is dominant as it is evident from the clauses such as 1, 5,6,7,8,12,19, 20 and 21 talk about the product and the capability of the Caffitaly system and milk frother machine to prepare the caf style coffee. In this text-2, the material process type is the dominant one and no other types are dominant in the text and thus, it tells the readers that the writers motive that is to sell the product gets the major prominence throughout in an outright and straightforward way. The material process is ahead of the verbal process in this case. Even in this text -1, the participants play an independent role as the writer in this case only focuses upon the quality of the products that he wants to be sold and thereby does not apply to the emotions of the buyers. The buyer will be the main actor in this case as much emphasis is put upon the actions of the buyer who will gift the items to his or her mother. The text-1 also makes the same attempt as in text-1 as it also asks the buyer to but the Caffitaly system to give her or his mother the feeling of a caf style coffee on the event of mothers day. However, the advertisement present in text -2 focuses much more on the new arrival of the Gloria jeans coffee capsules at the stores of Woolworths. This is the circumstance type that is evident in the text. With regard to the interpersonal meanings, it can be said that the mood choice in the tex-1 is one of indicative, as the writer presents the factual statements by informing the buyers about the offers available at the Woolworth stores. This text has adapted the narrative approach, narrating the features of the items that are available at the stores of Woolworth. The speech function that is one of the statement, as the writer only inform about the products and the quality of the products, for instance the clauses such as 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,20,11,12,16,17,18,20,21 and other clauses. In the present text-1, the major focus is upon the buyer who becomes the subject. Although the advertisement is given on the occasion of the upcoming mothers day, it is There is a dominance of the present tense in the tense finites as it is portrayed through the clauses1,2,4,12,17,18,19,20,21 and others as well, that the writer talks about the present offers that are present at the Woolworths store and thus, asks the buyer to gift the Milk frother machine and the caffitaly system to her or his mother. The aim to sell the product overpowers, which is evident from the sentences, such as grab this handy milk frother and The Caffitaly system S14 only available at Woolworths With regard to the experiential meanings, the way in which text -2 has exhibited the advertisement of the candle Ecoya Madison is quite appreciable as it has linked the material process type with the feelings and the emotional processes. The personal or the emotional process is much dominant here. The advertisement on the candle given in the news magazine very deftly and subtly touches the feelings of the readers that increase the capability of the advertisement to make the customers buy the candle for their beloved moms. Thus, this kind of material process underlying the emotional process makes the brand achieve its objective. Both the processes, the material and the poignant approach or the process are present I the advertisement in the Text -2. However, the very first reading of the text will make the readers get related to the same emotionally and therefore, the emotional approach or the process is much dominant in the text. The text talks throughout almost about the mother child relationship, it reflects upon the facts that the children tend to overlook although their mothers always remain concerned about their daughters or sons, very dexterously it tries to convey the message to the buyers or the readers who will get tempted to buy the Ecoya Madison candle in order to gift it to their most loved moms. Thus, the emotional process type is much more dominant. This pattern is to some extent an expected one for the context ,this is because an individual coming across such an advertisement will be able to relate the text of the advertisement with the heading of the text, because the heading of the advertisement given in the news magazine clearly tells informs the reader about the intention of the advertisement. The heading asks the buyers through its approach to buy the candles in order to gift their lovable mothers on the very special event of Mothers Day. The text or the description of the advertisement makes the readers or the buyers recall the days of childhood and almost each moment of ones life when their mothers take care of each aspect of their lives without being asked, thereby enabling the readers easily relate the text and concept s well as the motive of the same with heading of the advertisement. The material process is also present in the text, if the text is carefully read and followed, then the reader will understand the presence of the material process type beneath the emotional approach. The very motive of the advertisement that is illustrated at the very beginning and at the end of the text portrays clearly the material objective of the advertisement is to sell the product namely the Ecoya Madison candle and has also attempted to increase the temptation or the attraction of the buyers towards the product by giving an offer. It has promised to give the consumers a mini Ecoya Madison candle free if they buy the big one. Thus, the business interest of the company has been fulfilled in the process of touching and arousing the emotions of the readers. This is what is suggested about the context of the text via the process of the text. The context of the text and the processes involved in the text inform very clearly about the writers purpose that is directed via the text. The writer wants to evoke the true feelings of affection and love in among the children for their mothers and make them recall about the sacrifices and the contributions made by their beloved mothers at every instance without thinking for a while about any kind of return. And therefore in this process direct the buyers to think about the product or the brand for which the writer is writing the advertisement. The participants in the text play almost independent roles as it the text is not stated in the first person. Mother is the main actor here. The focus is on the actions of mother. She is the dominant character in this text. Only in the clauses 18, 19, 36 and 37, the reader will be able to find out the dependent roles of the participants. Most of the clauses right from the beginning asks the buyer to recall the contributions of the mother, the sacrifices that were made by her devoid of any return and thereby evoking in the buyer the urge and excitement to buy the beautiful candle and gift it to her mother. On the other hand, in the case of the clause 18 and 19, she taught you and to look after yourself, the writer tells the reader to remember the days when the buyers mother taught him or her to look after herself or himself and learn the ways to utilize the opportunities in life. In case of the interpersonal meanings, the mood in Text -2 is indicative as well as subjunctive to some extent. This is because the writer makes the readers understand the factual aspects of life by telling about the mother child relationship and the value of the same. On the other hand, it is subjunctive because the writer does not express his opinions in an outright manner, rather the motive to sell the product is presented through an in depth emotional manner. A kind of conversational approach has been maintained in this text that sways between the past and the present, making the reader aware of the contributions of a mother. The Mood choices in the text-2 are the indicative and subjunctive, therefore in accordance with the above mentioned reasons for the choices of the mood, it can be clearly mentioned that the speech function is one of the statement and questions, as the writer makes all the statements while asking the customer to buy the product which is the main motive. The subject of the finite clauses in the Text-2 remains the mother gifted with a beautiful candle from Ecoya Madison, and it is the mother without whose sacrifices and contribution the child could not have proceeded further in life. The clauses are all active and are inclined to make the reader understand the main motive of the writer or rather the brand. The finites that have been used in the text-2 are mostly tense finites that is evident from the clauses 4, 10, 11, 12 and 29 that comprise of future tense, however, the most dominant one is the present tense as most of the other clauses are in present tense. This is because the writer wants to focus upon the present condition and the upcoming mothers day when he wants the buyer to gift her mom something precious, although it may not be that much expensive. The modality is expressed in many clauses in the context of the text-2, such as the clauses 1, 4, 7,12,27,28,29,32,33 and 35 are the expressions that focus upon the main motive of the advertisement relating it to the main part of the content.